about QB HOUSE

What is QB HOUSE?

QB HOUSE provides haircutting service only. We do not povide services such as shampooing, blowing, shaving and so on, as we believe our customers can manage all these by themselves. We aim to provide our specialized service: haircutting.

10minutes HK$70 determination

  • Service
Cut Color ×
Shave ※1 × Shampoo ※2 ×
Blow × Perm ×

※1:We will provide triming service of sideburns or nape.

※2:We will use our original "air washer" to clean away the cut hair instead of shampooing service.

  • Why QB HOUSE can complete a haircut in 10 minutes?
Sophisticated professional stylist
Original system unit supporting stylist's efficient work
Original "Air washer"
Customer's cooperation
  • Proposal of new type of hair cut
Normally, human hair will grow 10-12mm in a month. QB HOUSE helps customers maintain their hairstyle by trimming the grown hair only. We are suggesting visit to QB HOUSE once or twice a month to keep your personal best hairstyle.
What QB HOUSE can provide in 10 minutes?
  • Is it enough just in 10minutes?
  • It will take 10-15minutes for a haircut in other general hair salons. QB HOUSE figures out many ways to raise the efficiency of haircut service. And it will be carried out by our well-trained professional stylists.
  • If over 10minutes, any extra charge?
  • Cutting time depends on customer's hairstyle or order but there is no extracharge even the haircut takes more than 10 minutes.

Concern for hygiene

  • Comb

QB HOUSE uses a fresh comb for every customer.
The comb is given to the customer after use.

QB HOUSE uses a fresh new piece for each customer.

  • Neck Paper towel

QB HOUSE uses a disposal Neck Paper towel for each customer.

QB HOUSE uses a fresh new piece for each customer.

  • Uniform

Our stylists uniform is also made from deodorant and antibacterial materials.